
Handles unified touch events and will trigger swipe events.

Demo page


jquery.gesture.js requires jquery.touch.js on the same page.

Use the following code to initalize gesture on a jQuery object.



Options can be passed via an optional argument.

    prefix: "",
    gesture_prefix: ""
Name Type Default Description
prefix string '_gesture_' Add prefix to touchInit(). If you are going to call gestureInit() multiple time on the same jQuery object, use different prefix for each call.
gesture_prefix string '' Add prefix to the triggering gesture event name. It is useful when you want to add handlers with different options. If you pass my_ as prefix, the event name gesture_start will become my_gesture_start. The same applies to gesture_move and gesture_end.


Three kinds of unified gesture events will be triggered in response to unified touch events with two simultaneous points. Use the following code to handle these events

$("#touch-target").on("gesture_start", function(event) {
	// your handler function

The event name can be modified using the gesture_prefix option. There is the description of all the events.

Default name Description
gesture_start Triggered when a gesture starts on the target jQuery object.
gesture_move Triggered when the gesture moves. The event will still trigger even if the touch points move out of the target jQuery object.
gesture_end Triggered when the gesture ends or is cancelled.

The event object

An event object will be passed into your handler function. Here is a table of the properties of the event object that is important for handling the event.

Property name Type Description
type string It is the type of the current event.
number These are the coordinates of the center of the two touch points.
scale number The relative scale. It will be 1 at gesture_start and changes as the gesture moves.
rotation number The relative rotation (in radians). It will be 0 at gesture_start and changes as the gesture moves.


If you are finished with handling unified touch events with the jQuery object. Use the following code to dispose.


If you used a prefix in gestureInit(), you need to pass the same prefix in gestureDispose().

$("#touch-target").gestureDispose("prefix", "gesture_prefix");